STC termoregulator 220V 10A sa sondom

Cena: 1.200,00 din

Kategorija: Merna tehnika (Mašine i alati, Mašine i uređaji)
Lokacija: Beograd - ostalo (Srbija, Beograd)

Stanje: Novo
Garancija: Nema

Dodatne informacije:

Tekst oglasa:

<p><strong>NOV</strong> Pogodan za  inkubatore za piliće , zamrzivače, rashladne vitrine ,<br /> plastenike,     sušare, akvarijume, kotlove za grejanje itd. Digitalni<br /> termoregulator - termo kontroler - termostat za kontrolu grejanja i<br /> hlađenja u opsegu -50 do +99.9° C  u kompletu sa sondom.<br /> Način rada:<br /><br /> - Uređaj pali rele kontakt 7 i 8 za hlađenje kad je merena temperatura<br /> veća od zadate+diferencijalne temperature i u tom je stanju dok se<br /> merena temperatura ne spusti ispod vrednosti zadate temperature.<br /><br /> - Uređaj pali drugi rele kontakt 5 i 6 za grejanje kad je merena<br /> temperatura manja od zadate-diferencijalne temperature i u tom je<br /> stanju dok se merena temperatura ne poveća iznad vrednosti zadate<br /> temperature.<br /> Napomena: ne preporučujem direktno priključenje jačeg potrošača na<br /> ugrađene releje, već preko dodatnih jačih relea, sklopki.   <br /><br />  </p> <ul><li>If the heating socket is live you'll see a little light on the bottom left.<br /> if the cooling socket is live you'll see a little light on the top left.<br /> If the cooling light is flashing, this means that the temperature has recently got too high and cooling will start after 'compressor delay'<br /> If neither are on, then you're at the set temperature.<br /> If the 'set' light is on (to the right of the cold light), you're in the settings functions.<br /> Some models have a ° C symbol on the top right, others don't.<br /><br /><strong>It only has 'ERR' printed on the screen and it's giving a high pitched tone! What's going on?</strong><br /> This just means that the temperature probe it now connected properly.<br /> Unplug the probe and plug it back in again.<br /> If it continues, borrow someone else's probe to see if that works.<br /><br /><strong>What do the buttons do?</strong><br /> There are 4 buttons to the right of the screen:</li> <li>On/off - hold for 3 seconds to turn the unit on or off. It also acts as a 'finalize' button to confirm settings.</li> <li>S - The 'settings' button. Hold for 3 seconds to get into the Functions menu.</li> <li>up/down - used for changing settings.</li> </ul><p><strong>What are the functions?</strong><br /> The STC1000 has 4 functions.<br /><br /> F1 Temperature set value set range: -50-99,9 C     Default 10,0 C<br /> F2 Difference set value 0,3-10,0 C  Default 0,5 C<br /> F3 Compressor delay time 1-10 minutes  Default 3 minutes<br /> F4 Temperature calibration value -10-10,0C    Default 0 C</p> <ul><li>Temperature set - Pretty simple. Your target temperature.</li> <li>Difference set - The acceptable temperature difference before hot/cold are powered. I keep this at the default =/- 0.5° C</li> <li>Compressor Time Delay - The amount of minutes (max 10) the unit waits before switching on your fridge. This avoids burning out your fridge's compressor from frequently turning on and off over small temperature spikes (eg opening the fridge door).</li> <li>Temperature Calibration Value - To calibrate the temperature reading if it's incorrect. Easiest to calibrate to a pint of ice water (0° )</li> </ul><p><strong>How do I set them?</strong><br /> Hold down the 'S' button for 3 seconds to get to the functions, once you see 'F1' on the screen, release the button and use the up/down keys to scroll through F1/F2/F3/F4<br /> Once you are on the function you want, press and hold the 'S' button and use up/down to change the value.<br /> When the value is set, release the 'S' button and hit the on/off button to finalize it.<br /><br /><br /><br /> TEL:0612309535,    LIČNO PREUZIMANJE U BEOGRADU VRAČAR, ILI MOŽE SLANJE : POSTEXPRESS, BEX</p>

Šifra oglasa: 03-1020367
Datum postavljanja oglasa: 13.10.2019

Telefon: 0612309535
Free Press d.o.o Šafarikova 15, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 48 04 555